Are you an Android user by any chance? 👀
If the app is working well but keeps crashing when you try to solve a problem, please try the following steps:
1. Update Chrome Browser
- Open the Google Play Store app.
- Alternatively, go to the Play Store LINK.
- Tap the profile icon in the top right corner.
- Tap "App and device management."
- Under "Updates available," find Chrome.
- Click on the update next to Chrome.
- Once the update is complete, try solving problems in the Santa app.
If you don't have Chrome installed or prefer not to install it, please try the second option:
2. Update Android System Webview
- Open the Google Play Store app.
- Alternatively, go to the Play Store LINK.
- Search for "Android System Webview" and click on update.
- After the update is complete, try solving problems in the Santa app.
** Note:
If your phone is an older model, updating Chrome may not be possible. This follows Chrome's policy, so it is recommended to use a device where updating to the latest Chrome version is feasible.
If you're not using Android and the app keeps crashing, or if the app continues to crash during problem-solving despite updating Chrome to the latest version, please contact with details about the issue along with your Santa account.
Thank you.